The Spruce Pine Potters Market is an annual show that is managed and organized by our artists who live and work in a two county area of western North Carolina. The rich history of craft in this mountain region, along with the renowned Penland School of Craft, has brought these artists to call this area home. Our unique combination of ceramic artists sets the stage for a dynamic show.
Spruce Pine Potters Market Members
Stanley Andersen
William Baker
Rickie Barnett
Cynthia Bringle
Naomi Dalglish
Susan Feagin
Terry Gess
Jason Hartsoe
Lynne Hobaica
Michael Hunt
Lisa Joerling
Nick Joerling
Michael Kline
Suze Lindsay
Shaunna Lyons
Jeannine Marchand
Courtney Martin
Linda McFarling
Shane Mickey
Teresa Pietsch
David Ross
Michael Rutkowsky
Ruth Rutkowsky
Valerie Schnaufer
Galen Sedberry
Ken Sedberry
Jenny Lou Sherburne
Gay Smith
Liz Zlot Summerfield
Joy Tanner
past members
John Britt
Melisa Cadell
Cristina Córdova
Claudia Dunaway
Jon Ellenbogen
Becky Gray
Shawn Ireland
Kent McLaughlin
Mark Peters
Rebecca Plummer
Jane Peiser
Norm Schulman
Ron Slagle
Mark Tomczak
New Members for 2024
Kurt Anderson, Stormie Burns, Daniel Garver, Andy Palmer, Julie Wiggins